Friday, March 5, 2010

How to use Hiren boot disk

* Boot the "Hiren boot" disk

a.For backup/open harddisk without Operating System
2.this tool will help to open harddisk with windows so can backup the document

b.For backup/recovery image file
1.Choose 'BOOT CD'
2.Then choose '2.BACKUP TOOLS'
3.Next choose '2.NORTON GHOST 11.5'
4.Following choose '4.GHOST (-FFX-FNI-...........)'
5.Then press ENTER twice for the question popup
6.Soon 'SYMENTEC GHOST 11.5' will appear press 'OK'

7.Backup image file
-Choose 'LOCAL'
-Then 'TO IMAGE'
-In continue answer 'OK' for few question
-And choose the destination to create the image

8.Recovery image file
-Choose 'LOCAL'
-Then browse the saved image ".GHO" file

How to check bad sector in harddisk using GHOST disk

1.Boot the GHOST disk
2.It will start from the view of 'THIS WINDOWS 98 STARTUP 98'
4.Then choose '4.SPECIAL FDISK' and ENTER it
5.Next it will appear 'COPYRIGHT (c) 2002, SHI ING FERNG'.So press ENTER again
6.Then appears 'SPEACIAL FDISK=BOOT MANAGER + FDISK'.choose 'P.PARTITION TOOLS' and press ENTER7.Next it will appear 'IF NEW PATITION CAPACITY' so press 'Y'
8.Then choose which partition to chaeck the bad sector and ENTER it
9.Then choose '7.CHECK' and ENTER,again press 'Y'
10.Finally it will will take to check the bad sector of the partition in harddisk

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

How to Reformat a Windows 7

STEP 1 :Insert the Windows 7 installation CD into your computer; ignore any prompts that are displayed.

STEP 2 :Restart your computer and follow the instruction to enter setup or the boot menu.
STEP 3 :Select Boot from CD/DVD or similar option, press any key to enter the setup.

STEP 4 :
As the system boots you will see the Setup is Loading files and Starting Windows Screen. When you reach the Windows 7 'Install Windows' screen configure the Language, Time and Currency, and Keyboard settings for your computer. Click Next.

STEP 5 :At the next screen, simply click 'Install now'

STEP 6 :
This will take you to a 'Setup is starting…' screen, and will eventually produce the 'License Agreement' screen. At the 'License Agreement' screen, accept the terms and click Next.

STEP 7 :You will then be asked what type of installation you want. I always recommend that users do a full reformat rather than an upgrade, so select the 'Custom (advanced)' option.

STEP 8 :At the 'Where do you want to install Windows?' Screen you will see a list of the current partitions on your computer. Select the partitions one by one and select the 'Delete' option.

STEP 9 :When the screen only shows 'Unallocated Space', click Next

STEP 10 :Now the computer will begin to do all of the automatic functions of the setup like 'Copying Windows Files', 'Expanding Windows Files', and 'Installing Features'. The computer may restart on its own once or twice before you see the 'Installing updates' screen. You may also see boot screens that say 'Starting Windows', 'Completing Installation', and ‘Setup is preparing your computer for first use’.

STEP 11 :You will finally be prompted with a ‘Set Up Windows’ screen (Fig 16). Here you should enter both a User Name and Computer Name for the computer. For Computer Name, I prefer to use a naming convention for all my computers similar to LT-CRAZYBOY. I.E. that computer is now LapTop- CRAZYBOY. When you are ready, click Next.

STEP 12 :To note: the next section of setup screens will vary depending on the version of Windows you are installing, as well as things like wireless availability and other hardware factors. If you do not encounter a screen listed here, do not worry about it. If you encounter a screen not listed here, do your best to summarize it and let me know what I missed. Thanks!

STEP 13:At the next screen it is recommended that you enter a password for the computer. If you enter a password at this screen you must also retype the password and enter a password hint. Click Next.

STEP 14 :On the next page enter your Product Key for this version of Microsoft Windows 7. Also, ensure that the ‘Automatically activate’ option is selected. Click Next.

STEP 15 :When the setup asks you about protecting your computer automatically you should choose ‘Use Recommended Settings’ for automatic updates Click Next.

STEP 16 :At the 'Date and Time Settings' screen, configure the settings for your location and click Next.

STEP 17 :Whether or not you have to do this next step depends entirely on your computer’s wireless adapter or lack thereof. If you have a recent wireless adapter installed on your computer Windows 7 will present a screen for joining a Wireless Network. If you see this screen Windows 7 has already identified the proper driver for your wireless adapter as well as detected all of the wireless networks around you. If you have access to a network around you go ahead and configure the network for your home, work, or public use.

STEP 18 :After this Windows 7 will begin ‘Finalizing Settings’ and eventually take you to the new Windows 7 Desktop. Get used to it, as it is a bit different but utterly incredible!

STEP 19 :Your new installation of Windows 7 is now complete! However, now it is time to start configuring the system for your own use.

How to Reformat a Windows Vista


Here’s how to get into it. First, restart your system. When the computer starts to boot, look for an option before you get to the Windows screen that reads: “Setup” “CMOS,” or “Bios”. This varies between manufacturers. For example, on the of my Dell boot screen, it says: “F2 =Setup”.

The option will flash by quickly so be ready for it and react quickly. You may need to reboot a few times to catch it.

Once in the BIOS, look for a setting that says "Boot" or "Boot Sequence". You might have to dig through the menus with your keyboard’s arrow keys to locate the setting. In my Dell, it’s listed as Boot Sequence. In my ThinkPad, I had to navigate to Startup, then Boot, and then Boot Priority Setting.

When you find the setting, change your DVD drive so that it occupies the top of the list. The hard drive that contains Windows Vista should be listed as second in the boot list.


Next, put the Windows Vista installation disc in the designated drive.

Now, select the Save Changes and Exit option in the BIOS. The computer will restart and will attempt to read the optical drive you just assigned as the first bootable drive.

The system will use the Windows Vista disc to boot and the reformat and reinstall process will start.
Once you have booted with the Vista reinstall DVD, you’ll see a screen that prompts you to enter your product key.

You can find it on a label on the packaging or on the sleeve that the Windows Vista disc came in or - in some cases - on a sticker on the computer

You might also choose Automatically Activate Windows When I’m Online. The OS will need to verify that your key is legitimate using the activation wizard within 30 days of installation.

Next is the license agreement. Agree to it or abandon the reinstall if you don't.

If you don't have the Vista license key, you can bail out at this point and retrieve the product key with a free program called ProduKey.

On the next screen, you’ll see a choice of drive locations where a new copy of Vista will be installed. Your existing installation of Windows Vista should be on the largest disk. It will be marked Disk 0.

If several disks are listed, e.g. Disk 0, Disk 1, and Disk 2, then each one is a physical drive. If each disk has partitions, like this:

* Disk 0 Partition 1 (C:)
* Disk 0 Partition 2 (E:)
* Disk 0 Partition 3 (F:)

That means the hard disk has been formated into partitions, indicating that one hard disk has subdivisions (partitions) that appear to Windows as drive C:, E:, and F:.

If your computer maker has installed system restoration information on a partition on your hard drive, you will see a small partition or the partitions may be numbered starting at 2 like this:

* Disk 0 Partition 2 (C:)
* Disk 0 Partition 3 (E:)

This suggests that your manufacturer hid Partition 1 so that you don’t wipe out the restoration utility.

Your boot partition, which is where you want to put Vista, should be the lowest-numbered partition on Disk 0. It also should be the one with the largest space. So now, select the partition you want to use and click Next. You may see a message that says a copy of Windows exists on the partition. This is a good sign as it's a reminder you will overwrite your existing copy of Windows.

One option instead (my preference) is to delete the partition and destroy all data. Then create a blank partition for the new Vista installation. (You can do this only if you booted from the Vista DVD.)

After you chose a partition or delete and make a new one, hit Next. The reinstallation will start. During this process, the program tell you what it is doing. The computer will also reboots a few times until Vista is reinstalled. Once this happens, you will have a few more questions to answer.

When you get to your freshly installed desktop, you'll want to run Windows Update to install fixes and new drivers.

How to Reformat Your Windows Xp

STEP 1. Configure your computer to start it from the Windows XP CD. You may have to modify your computer’s BIOS settings to start from the CD or DVD drive.

STEP 2. At the Welcome Setup Page, press ENTER.

STEP 3. Press F8 to accept Windows XP Licensing Agreement.

STEP 4. If Windows XP installation is detected, you are prompted to repair it. Press ESC.

STEP 5. Use the ARROW keys to select the partition where you want to install Windows XP, and then press ENTER.

STEP 6. Select the format option you want to use – NTFS file system or FAT file system.


STEP 8. After Windows setup formats the partition, follow the instructions that appear on the screen to install Windows XP.

STEP 9. When Windows XP installation is done, reinstall all other software you needed such as Microsoft Office, Adobe Reader, Adobe Photoshop, and other applications and software that came with your hardware like printer and scanner.

This works with Windows XP Home and Windows XP Professional.